August 9, 2011
Genetics graduate student Jenna Oberstaller wins an ARCS fellowship.
Institute of Bioinformatics graduate student Juber Patel will be joining the research group. Welcome!
Institute of Bioinformatics graduate student, Joshua Bridgers successful defende d his Master's thesis entitled "Building a Framework: The Sarcocystis neurona Genome Project"
Undergraduate student Parth Sehgal, a Genetics/Computer Science double major has joined the research group. Welcome!
June 28, 2011
Dr. Jessie Kissinger is named as the second Director of the Institute of Bioinformatics. She succeeds GRA Eminent scholar Professor Ying Xu. Her position begins on July 1, 2011!
Jenna Oberstaller wins an Ellison TIPS Fellowship to test malaria diagnostic targets we identified in Thailand with Dr. Jetsumon Sattabongkot Prachumsri.
May 11, 2011
Graduate student Jenna Oberstaller has been awarded a slot on the CTEGD NIH Training Grant.
May 4, 2011
Undergraduate researcher, Allyson Byrd has been accepted in the NIH summer internship program. She will be working with Michael Grigg in the laboratory of parasitic diseases.
Post-doc Jeremy DeBarry's research on Apicomplexan genome synteny has just been published in MBE.
Graduate student Jenna Oberstaller and Jeremy DeBarry's work with CDC collaborators to use genomics to define new malaria diagnostic targets has just been published in JCM.
Dr. Fudong Yu and Huayong Xu from SCBIT, Shanghai China and Dr. Adhemar Zerlotini Neto and Eric Aguira of CeBio/CPqRR in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, have arrived to work on a three month project to build enhanced database resources for Schistosoma using EuPathDB tools. Mr. Huayong Xu and Dr. Zerlotini Neto each won travel awards to participate in this project via Schistosoma BWF funds administered by Professor Jim McKerrow.
March 16, 2011
Susanne Warrenfelz, Ph.D has joined the EuPathDB Team. She will be working on community outreach and aspects of the User Interface. Welcome aboard!
Alok Dhamanaskar, a Master's student in Computer Science has joined the Web service ontology project.
Adhemar Zerlotini and Eric from the Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou - FIOCRUZ and and Dr. Fudong Yu and Huayong Xu of the Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology will visit for three months beginning in May to construct database resources for Schistosoma parasites.
Dr. Turgay Ibrikci will be visiting the lab for a short sabbatical from Curkurova University in Turkey beginning in June, 2011. He is interested in computational approaches to understanding gene regulation.
Tess Griffin a graduate student in the Institute of Bioinformatics is rotating in the lab until the end of the semester. She will work on ontology terms for Web services.
Undergraduate Honors student Katharine Korunes will start a research project in the lab. She will work with Dr. Satomi Kato to study the mitochondrial genome in Toxoplasma gondii.